Optical photothermal infrared

Optical photothermal infrared is an innovative  system providing sub-micron IR spectroscopy and imaging  which is very suitable to detect specific  protein structures in situ. Thus it can be used to detect amyloid proteins directly in neurons (1,2).

Fluorescently guided optical photothermal infrared microspectroscopy simultaneously exploits epifluorescence imaging to rapidly locate areas of interest for infrared measuremetns. Using this technique, we mapped individual microglia and neurons directly in brain tissue which was not possible by using OPTIR alone (3-4).

  1. 1. N. Gvazava, S. Konings,  E. Cepeda-Prado, V. Skoryk,  C. H. Umeano, J. Dong, I. A.N. Silva,  D. Rylander Ottosson,  N. D. Leigh, D. E. Wagner, and Klementieva Label-free high-resolution infrared spectroscopy for spatiotemporal analysis of complex  living systems BioRxive DOI: 10.1101/2023.01.05.522847          Label-free high-resolution infrared spectroscopy for spatiotemporal analysis of complex living systems | bioRxiv
  2. 2. O.Klementieva, Sandt, I. Martinsson, M. Kansiz, G. K. Gouras, F. Borodnics

Super-Resolution Infrared Imaging of Polymorphic Amyloid Aggregates Directly in Neurons. 

Advanced Science, 2020. 7, 1903004. DOI: 10.1002/advs.201903004

Super‐Resolution Infrared Imaging of Polymorphic Amyloid Aggregates Directly in Neurons – PMC (nih.gov)


  1. 3. C. Prater, Y. Bai, S.C. Konings, I. Martinsson, V. S. Swaminathan,  P. Nordenfelt, G.Gouras, F. Borondics, O. Klementieva, Fluorescently guided optical photothermal infrared microspectroscopy for protein-specific bioimaging at subcellular level, Med. Chem.2023, 66, 4, 2542–2549DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.2c01359.                    Fluorescently Guided Optical Photothermal Infrared Microspectroscopy for Protein-Specific Bioimaging at Subcellular Level | Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (acs.org)
  2. 4. Paulus, S.Yogarasa, M. Kansiz, I. Martinsson, G. Gouras, T. Deierborg,  A. Engdahl, F. Borondics, O. Klementieva Correlative imaging to resolve molecular structures in individual cells: Substrate validation study for super-resolution infrared microspectroscopy. Nanomedicine. 2022 Jul;43:102563. DOI: 10.1016/j.nano.2022.102563. Correlative imaging to resolve molecular structures in individual cells: Substrate validation study for super-resolution infrared microspectroscopy – ScienceDirect